Who To Trust?

>> Wednesday, September 2, 2009

huhu. And now I don't know who to trust.

I can't decide. No, not with all these stuffs in my head.

I'm tired to be lied by people. I'm afraid to face this. Afraid, this is gonna be the same. I don't want a relationship that full with lies. Like when I was with her.......that liar. I do want to kick her ass down, yell at her she is totally a jerk, yell at her that she is going to the hell right now.

I just don't know who to trust, who to believe. School is a big deal to me, especially YOUR school. I don't want you to make a lie again, not anymore.......

I think I'm wrong for choosing people who gives me information. So, here I am. With these stuffs in my head, like a bomb. Tick...tick...tick...when will explode?

That one said "for God's sake", and that one said "for Jesus Christ's sake"


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